Horizon ERP Tutorial

Horizon ERP Tutorial


Home Screen
GST billing software-Home Page
  1. Change Password
  2. Enter the current password and new password ok.

    GST billing software-Change Password window
  3. Summary Reports
    • Sales category wise.
    • Purchase category wise.
    • Route wise non billed counters.
    • Sales route wise.
    • Category wise non billed items.
    • Customer performance.
    • Overdue bills.
    GST billing software-Purchase Category Wise Summary Report Window
    1. List the data's based on the report.
    2. Export report to excel.
    3. Can take print.
  4. Support Request
    • Sending requests to technical support.
    • If you have any problems with your software, you can create and send an issue mail to our technical support with attachment.
    • The attachment may be backup or any other file to refer the issue .
    GST billing software-Send Support Request Window
    1. Enter the issue
    2. Attach backup : Tick to send backup
    3. Add attachment : To attach any file with the mail
      1. Select the file to send
      2. Open the file
    4. OK : Click ok to send the mail
    5. Once you have sent your support request, you will receive an automatic e-mail reply from us.