Horizon ERP Tutorial

Horizon ERP Tutorial


Loading Utility
GST billing software-Loading Utility Window

Loading Utility : It contains the reports like loading sheet, van statement, unloading and print bills.

  1. Entry date and Delivery man selection are mandatory.
    • Reports generated based on Delivery man and Bill date.
  2. View all Bills under the selected delivery man for the specified date.
    • On right side, listed all billed items.
    • Export to excel : Turn on the button for convert this data to excel.
    • Loading sheet : Generate loading sheet. It decribed the list of items and their quantity for different shops(customers) in a particular area.
    • Van Statement : Generate list of bills being loaded. It shows the list of customers balance amount.
    • Unloading : Uncheck the load button above, and then click to unloading for generate unloading details.
    • Print bills : For printing of the above reports
    • Recalculate : If we do any changes in the window (ie.;uncheck cash, uncheck load), click on recalculate for refreshing the data.
    • Delete :
      • Tick on Delete and update for delete the already generated loading details.
      • In case, if any changes are made in bill (transactions sales) that changes are not reflected
        automatically in loading utility then delete the already generated loading details and
        generate new one in the same date and delivery man.
  3. Search : For view and delete the already generated loading details.