Pre – Installation check list for Horizon ERP on windows 10
Check the computer name and username, if both are same, change name of computer name or username
Step 1: - Click Start Button → Select Control Panel
Step 2: - Open Security and Maintenance
Step 3: - Select User Account Control Settings
Change from "Always notify" to "Never notify" option → click OK
Step 4: - Turn Off window firewall
Click Start Button → Control Panel → Click on Windows Defender Firewall
Select turn windows firewall on or off
Turn off and save
Step 5: - Click Start Button → Control Panel → Select Region
Step 6: - Set format as "English(United Kingdom)"
Step 7:- Click Start Button → Control Panel → Click on "Programs and Features"
Step 8:- Click on the "Turn windows features on or off" option
Stepa 9:- Check whether the first option (.Net framework 3.5) is enabled.
Step 10:- If it is not enabled, tick on the sub-options and click OK. (Otherwise, continue with the installation process without checking the next step)
Step 11:- Wait for completing the download process (In some cases an option will be displayed, whether to download the feature or not. Then click on the download option.)
Step 12:- Once the process is complete, click on the Close button.